Our Team

Meet The Artisans

Decades of Dedication: Stories Behind the Strokes
The Revered Matriarch

With over a decade of grace, KashiVasini has been the soul and foundation of Gauranga Creative Arts. At 68, every weave and stitch embodies an emotion, echoing silent prayers and unwavering devotion. For more than ten years, her hands have narrated tales of artistry, each artifact bearing witness to the unspoken symphony of love and dedication, a dance between the divine and the earthly, the ethereal and the tangible.

The Ludhiana Colourist

Lovleen’s journey, woven between the roles of a housewife and an artist, is a testament to a decade of passionate artistry. In the heart of Ludhiana, each stroke of her brush and each colour on her canvas are chapters of a silent yet expressive story that has blossomed over ten years. Amidst familial roles and innate creativity, Lovleen’s artwork resonates with the silent echoes of a decade-long dance of artistry.

The Melbourne Connoisseur

Neha’s artistry spans the picturesque landscapes of Melbourne and echoes the intimate whispers of familial creativity. With over a decade at Gauranga Creative Arts, each piece curated, each connection made, is a narrative of artistry that transcends borders. She is not just an artist but a global bridge, connecting a decade of intimate family artistry to the expansive and diverse tapestry of the international art scene.

The Chandigarh Visionary

Nitai’s brushstrokes, guided by the nurturing presence of his revered mother, KashiVasini, have enriched the Chandigarh art scene for more than ten years. Every deity painted, every piece of jewellery crafted, is a testament to a decade of innovation and tradition intertwining seamlessly. His creations are echoes of time, testaments of a young visionary marking the world with Gauranga’s distinct touch.

United in Artistry

Gauranga Creative Arts has bloomed for over a decade, a garden where each artisan is a unique blossom contributing to a mesmerizing landscape of creativity. Our narrative, a dance of brushstrokes, weaves, and connections, has been a silent witness, a nurturer, and a canvas echoing the artistry, devotion, and connections fostered over a decade.

We invite you to step into a world where each creation is not merely an artifact but a chapter of a soul-stirring narrative that has been weaving for more than ten years. Each piece, each stroke, is a soulful embodiment of a family’s journey, echoing the silent yet profound sonnets of devotion and artistry enriched by a radiant decade of creative blossoming.

Step into the enigmatic world of Gauranga Creative Arts, where every creation invites you to become a part of a journey, a narrative, a dance of artistry that has been elegantly unfolding for more than ten years.